Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications

Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, by Richard Szeliski, Microsoft Research

This book is largely based on the computer vision courses that I have co-taught at the University of Washington (2008, 2005, 2001) and Stanford (2003) with Steve Seitz and David Fleet.

The PDFs should be enabled for commenting directly in your viewer. Also, hyper-links to sections, equations, and references are enabled. To get back to where you were, use Alt-Left-Arrow in Acrobat.

This Web site is also a placeholder for the site that will accompany my computer vision textbook once it is published. Once I get further along with the project, I hope to publish supplemental course material here, such as figures and images from the book, slides sets, pointers to software, and a bibliography.

June 19, 2009 (minor updates)

Older drafts

June 10, 2009 (re-organize chapters: add segmentation, remove VBR)

June 3, 2009 (shape and appearance modeling chapter 2/3 done)

May 18, 2009 (finished recognition and structure from motion)

April 27, 2009 (finished Bag of words recognition)

April 5, 2009 (finished Face and Object Detection)

April 1, 2009 (partial draft of Structure from Motion and Face Recognition)

March 1, 2009 (finished Geometric Alignment and Calibration chapter)

February 23, 2009 (finished Stereo chapter)

February 2, 2009

January 20, 2009

Even older drafts: January 12, 2009, December 23, 2008, November 26, 2008, November 11, 2008, October 9, 2008, June 9, 2008, April 5, 2008, December 17, 2007, November 26, 2007

Slide sets

There are not (yet?) any slide sets to go with the book. Please feel free to look at the University of Washington CSE 576 (Graduate Computer Vision) slides that Steve Seitz and I have put together.

This book is largely based on the computer vision courses that I have co-taught at the University of Washington (2008, 2005, 2001) and Stanford (2003) with Steve Seitz and David Fleet.

While I am working on the book, I would love to have people “test-drive” it in their computer vision courses (or their research) and send me feedback.

The PDFs should be enabled for commenting directly in your viewer. Also, hyper-links to sections, equations, and references are enabled. To get back to where you were, use Alt-Left-Arrow in Acrobat.

This Web site is also a placeholder for the site that will accompany my computer vision textbook once it is published. Once I get further along with the project, I hope to publish supplemental course material here, such as figures and images from the book, slides sets, pointers to software, and a bibliography.

June 19, 2009 (minor updates)

Older drafts

June 10, 2009 (re-organize chapters: add segmentation, remove VBR)

June 3, 2009 (shape and appearance modeling chapter 2/3 done)

May 18, 2009 (finished recognition and structure from motion)

April 27, 2009 (finished Bag of words recognition)

April 5, 2009 (finished Face and Object Detection)

April 1, 2009 (partial draft of Structure from Motion and Face Recognition)

March 1, 2009 (finished Geometric Alignment and Calibration chapter)

February 23, 2009 (finished Stereo chapter)

February 2, 2009

January 20, 2009

Even older drafts: January 12, 2009, December 23, 2008, November 26, 2008, November 11, 2008, October 9, 2008, June 9, 2008, April 5, 2008, December 17, 2007, November 26, 2007

Slide sets

There are not (yet?) any slide sets to go with the book. Please feel free to look at the University of Washington CSE 576 (Graduate Computer Vision) slides that Steve Seitz and I have put together.

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