Internet Engineering
Computer Engineering: 240-362
Course in conjunction with Aj Suntorn.
This segment of the course will begin in January 2551 (2008).
This web page will be updated between now and then (current
information relates to a previous version of this course).
See the PSU Virtual Classroom
for more lecture notes & materials.
Week 4: Routing
- What is Routing?
- What is to be achieved?
- Analysing the data
- Routing methods
- Algorithms
- Bellman-Ford (Distance Vector)
- Dijkstra (Shortest Path First) (Link-State)
- Hierarchical Routing
- Exterior Routing
Week 5: Fragmentation & Reassembly
- Why Fragmentation?
- Why Reassembly
- When to Fragment
- When to Reassemble
- How to Fragment
- How to Reassemble
- Why not fragment?
- Avoiding Fragmentation
- IPv6 & Fragmentation
Week 8: Network Programming
- Sockets Interface
- Socket Types
- Protocol Families
- Representing Addresses
- Sockaddr structures
- Number representation
- DNS Interface
- connections
- Making connections
- Receiving connections
- Terminating connections
- Datagram sockets
- Data transfer
- Example code fragments
Week 9: Applications - HTTP & Security
- Applications
- The Web
- Web Security
- Security Methods
- Symmetric Key Encryption
- Public Key Encryption
- Certificates
Week 10: Applications - E-Mail
- E-Mail
- History & Nature
- Message Formats
- Message Transfer (SMTP)
- Post Offices & Mail collection
- Enhancing E-Mail
Week 12: Multicast
- E-Mail Security
- Conferences
- Multicast
- QoS & Multicast
- Security & Multicast
- Multicast Transport Protocols
Week 13: Network Management & Oddments
- Network Management
- Traffic Control
- Routing Policies
- Host Configuration
- IPv6 Autoconfiguration
Week 14: Course Review