Special Topic: Software Development and Maintenance

Computer Engineering: 241-438

In this course we investigate the process of software development, and the maintenance, debugging, and improvement of large software systems.

Emphasis is placed upon the student's ability to read and understand existing code as a primary method of learning programming, rather than the traditional method of learning the rules of a programming language and then immediately attempting to write code to test knowledge of the rules.

Assessment in this course will be largely through assigments (though examinations in the traditional examination period, and of the usual forms will also be used.)

Assignment 1: details here

Assignment 2: continuation of assignment 1

Assignment 3: A much bigger project

Check this page from time to time for updates. Eventually some of the slides using leftures might appear here.
Current information is for the first half of the semester only.
Last Update (2556)2013-08-29 16:30