Curriculum Vitae


Name                 Dr. Panyayot Chaikan   


Position             Associate professor

Date of Birth    March 23, 1976      



-  B.Eng.  Computer  Engineering, 1999,  KMITL, Thailand

-  M.Eng. Electrical  Engineering,  2002,  KMITL, Thailand

-  Ph.D.    Computer Engineering,  2010, Prince of Songkla  University, Thailand


Contact Information 

R401   Department of  Computer  Engineering

Faculty of Engineering, Prince of Songkla University

Hat Yai,  Songkhla,  90112

         Telephone: +66-74- 287350 

         Fax:  +66-74-212895


         Personal Website:



Lecturer, 2000-now                   Prince of Songkla University


Field of Interests:

Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Speech Recognition, Parallel Processing.


Papers and Publications:


International Journals

1.     Oo, N. Z. and Chaikan, P., " Power Effcient Strassen's Algorithm using AVX512 and OpenMP in a Multi-core Architecture," ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp.46-59, January, 2023.

2.     Peng-o, T. and Chaikan, P., “High performance and energy efficient Sobel edge detection,” Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 87, Article Number 104368, Available online: 27 October 2021.

3.     Oo, N. Z. and Chaikan, P., "An improvement of the Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Speed using 2D-Tiling and AVX512 Intrinsics for Multi-Core Architectures," ASEAN Journal of Scientific and Technological Reports, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp.104-114, May-August, 2021.

4.     Masamae, I. and Chaikan, P., "High Performance 2D Convolution utilizing the AVX512 on a Multi-Core Architecture," Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 43, No.4, pp.1230-1236, July-August, 2021.

5.     Oo, N Z., "An effective implementation of Strassen’s algorithm using AVX intrinsics for a multicore architecture," Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp.1164-1413, November-December, 2020.

6.     Chaikan, P., Karnjanadecha, M., 2010, “Person Recognition using Fingerprints and Top-View Finger Images,” Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp.71-79, January-February 2010.


National Journals

1.     ปัญญยศ ไชยกาฬ และ ไมตรี ไชยกาฬ, “การพัฒนาโปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอร์สำหรับฝึกการออกเสียงคำภาษาไทยที่ใช้ ร และ ล เป็นพยัญชนะต้น โดยใช้แบบจำลองฮิดเดนมาร์คอฟ," วารสารมหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ ปีที่ 19, ฉบับที่ 1 (มกราคม - มิถุนายน 2559), หน้า 64-74.

2.     Chaikan, P., and Mitatha, S., “An Improvement of MCS-51 Performance using Pipeline Technique,” Ladkrabang Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, pp. 37-42, 2001.


International Conferences

1.     Khomongkonudom, V. and Chaikarn, P., "Optimum Prefetching Patterns Searching: A Case Study of Matrix-Matrix Multiplication", Proceedings of the 2022 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Phuket, Thailand, July 5-8, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/ITC-CSCC55581.2022.9894990

2.     Peng-o, T. and Chaikan, P., "Optimization of Edge Detection using AVX Intrinsics on Multi-core Architectures", Proceedings of the 2022 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Phuket, Thailand, July 5-8, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/ITC-CSCC55581.2022.9894947

3.     Oo, N Z. and Chaikan, P., "Fast Blockwise Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Using AVX and Prefetching on Shared Memory," Proceedings of the 2022 Asian Control Conference (ASCC), JeJu, South Korea, May 4-7, 2022. DOI: 10.23919/ASCC56756.2022.9828222.

4.     Oo, N Z. and Chaikan, P., "The Effect of Core Parking for Energy-efficient Matrix-Matrix Multiplication by using AVX and OpenMP," Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), Jeju, South Korea, October 12-15, 2021. DOI: 10.23919/ICCAS52745.2021.9649926

5.     Oo, N Z. and Chaikan, P., "The Effect of Loop Unrolling in Energy Efficient Strassen's Algorithm on Shared Memory Architecture," Proceedings of the 2021 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), JeJu, South Korea, June 27-30, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ITC-CSCC52171.2021.9501472

6.     Oo, N Z. and Chaikan, P., "Efficient Implementation of Strassen's Algorithm for Memory Allocation using AVX Intrinsic on Multi-core Architecture," Proceedings of the 2019 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), JeJu, South Korea, June 23-26, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ITC-CSCC.2019.8793377

7.     Chaikan, P., Mitatha, S., “Improving the addWeighted Function in OpenCV 3.0 using SSE and AVX intrinsics,” Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Computer Systems and Instrumentation (ICCSI2015), pp57-61, Singapore. December 16-17, 2015.

8.     Masamae I., Chaikan P., “Integrating Lip-Reading and Thai Speech to Control Electronic Devices in a Vehicle,” The 5th IEEE International Conference on System Engineering and Technology:ICSET2015,” pp.31-34, Shah Alam, Malaysia, August. 10-11, 2015.

9.     Chaikan, P., “A Review of Speech Processing Technologies for Solving Thai Word Mispronunciations,” Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Applied Computer Technology and Information Systems, pp14-18, Songkhla, Thailand, September 21-22, 2012.

10.  Chaikan, P., Karnjanaecha, M., "The Use of Top-View Finger Image for Personal Identification ", Proc. of the 5th International Symposium of Image and Signal Processing and Analysis: ISPA2007", pp. 343-346, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 27-29, 2007.

11.  Chaikan, P., Karnjanaecha, M., "A Reference Point Detection Algorithm for Top-View Finger Image Recognition ", Proc. of the 5th International Symposium of Image and Signal Processing and Analysis: ISPA2007", pp. 347-350,  Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 27-29, 2007.


National Conferences

1.     วรินทรข้อมงคลอุดม ปัญญยศไชยกาฬ และดํารงค์เคล้าดี, "การปรับปรุงประสิทธิภาพการคูณเมทริกซ์โดยใช้อัลกอริทึม Strassen และ ชุดคำสั่ง AVX บนสถาปัตยกรรมมัลติคอร์," การประชุมวิชาการ งานวิจัยและพัฒนาเชิงประยุกต์ ครั้งที่ 12 ECTI-CARD 2020, pp. 26-31,มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครสวรรค์, นครสวรรค์, 26-27 พฤษภาคม 2563

2.     Chaikan, P., Karnjanadecha, M., “Integrating Fingerprint and Top-View Finger Image for Personal Verification,” Proceedings of the 7th PSU Engineering Conference - PEC7, Faculty of Engineering PSU, Hatyai, Songkhla, Thailand,   pp. 157-160, May 21-22, 2009.

3.     Chaikan, P., Karnjanadecha, M., “A Systematic Method for Fingerprint Post-Processing,”  Proceedings of the 6th PSU Engineering Conference – PEC6, Faculty of Engineering PSU, Hatyai, Songkhla, Thailand, pp. 115-118, May 8-9, 2008.

4.     Suwannarat, K., Karnjanadecha, M., Khaorapapong, T., and Chaikan, P., "A Multi-Chammel Incremental Encoder Interfacing Circuit Design Using FPGA", Proceedings of the ECTI 2006 Conference, Ubon Rachathani, Thailand, pp. 307-311, May 10-12, 2006.

5.     Chaikan, P. and Mitatha, S., “Reconsidering the structure of a pipeline enabled 8051 microprocessor,” Proceedings of the 4th Information and Computer Engineering Postgraduate Workshop – ICEP2004, Phuket, Thailand, pp. 147-151, Jan 22-23, 2004.

6.     Chaikan, P., “An Improvement of the divide operation in a pipeline processor,” Proceedings of the 3rd Information and Computer Engineering Postgraduate Workshop – ICEP2003, Songkhla, Thailand, pp. 187-190, Jan 30-31, 2003.

7.     กรกต สุวรรณรัตน์, มนตรี กาญจนะเดชะ, ธเนศ เคารพาพงศ์ และปัญญยศ ไชยกาฬ, "การประมาณค่าความเร็วตัวเข้ารหัสแบบหมุนชนิดเพิ่มค่าด้วยวิธีวัดความกว้างเต็มคาบโดยใช้เอฟพีจีเอ", การประชุมเสนอผลงานวิจัยระดับบัณฑิตศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ ครั้งที่ 4 , ศูนย์ปาฐกถาประดิษฐ์ เชยจิตร, มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์, 31 มีนาคม 2549.