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International Conference
Karnjanadecha M., Kimsawad P. and Tantanakit P., “HMM Based Speech Recognition of Continuous Thai Digits, Proc.International Symposium on Communications and Information Technology: ISCIT2001, pp.271-274, Chiang Mai,Thailand, Nov. 2001.
Wannarat Suntiamorntut, Panjapa Rungsinsup, "Design and verification 32-bit microprocessor ARM7.", 4th the SEA Regional Conference on Higher Engineering Education Network (RECHEEN 2000), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15-17 November 2000.
Venugopal J., Zahorian S. A. and Karnjanadecha M., “ Minimum Mean Square Error Spectral Peak Envelope Estimation for Automatic Vowel Classification,” Proc. ICSLP 2000, Beijing, China., October 2000.
Karnjanadecha, M., and Zahorian, S. A., “An Investigation of Variable Block Length Methods for Calculation of Spectral/Temporal Features for Automatic Speech Recognition,” Proc. ICSLP 2000, Beijing, China., October 2000.
Zahorian S. A., Patilkulkarni S., Karnjanadecha M. and Brewton C., “ Speech-to-Text Translation for Indexing and Searching of Audio/Visual Materials for a Digital Library,” SCI2000/ISAS2000, Orlando, Florida, 1999.
Wannarat Suntiamorntut, "Design and Verification ARM 7 for FPGA prototype.", 2000 Military and Aerospace Applications of Programmable Devices and Technologies Conference, September 26-28, 2000.
Wannarat Suntiamorntut , Chathcai Jantaraprim, Taweesak Reungpeerakul, " Back Annotation Technique for Testing ARM7.", VLSI Colloquium : Design & Implementation for Communication, RECCIT, KMITL, Thailand, September, 2000.
Wannarat, Weerapant, Arthit, Somsak, "Simulation-Based and Formal Verification in ARM 7 RISC Microprocessor.",1999 Collaborative Technologies Workshop,Oakland University,nov. 1999.
Karnjanadecha, M., and Zahorian, S. A., “Signal Modeling for Isolated Word Recognition,” Proc. ICASSP 99, vol. 1, pp. 293-296, Phoenix, AZ., March 1999.
Karnjanadecha, M., and Zahorian, S. A., “Robust Feature Extraction for Alphabet Recognition,” Proc. ICSLP 98, Sydney, Australia, vol. 2, pp. 337-340, 1998.
National Journal&Conference
Sasathorn, Korhathai, Porsip, Wannarat,"Design and verification R4000 MIP Processor.", Information and Computer Engineering Postgraduate Workshop 2002 (ICEP2002), January, Songkhla.
K. Tongtha, C. Vongchumyen, W. Suntiamorntut, F. Chevasuvit and S. Mitatha, "Verify Microprocessor with Abstract State Machine and Simulation.", EECON 24th, Bangkok, 2001.
W. Suntiamorntut, S. Mitatha, A. Tongtuk, "Generated Test Vectors to Simulate Microprocessor ARM7.", EECON 22nd, Bangkok, 1999.
W. Suntiamorntut, C. Vongchumyen, S. Mitatha, A. Tongtuk,"Verifition Microprocessor ARM7.", KMITL Journal, June, 1999.
W. Suntiamorntut, P. Rungsinsup, A. Unakul, "Design and Develop Microprocessor ARM7.", Anual NECTEC Conference, pp.100-107, 1999.
W. Suntiamorntut, C. Vongchumyen,A. Unakul, "Design Microprocessor ARM7.", EECON 21st, Bangkok, 1998.
Technicial Report