Computer System Design Laboratory

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International Conference
  • Karnjanadecha M., Kimsawad P. and Tantanakit P., “HMM Based Speech Recognition of Continuous Thai Digits, Proc.International Symposium on Communications and Information Technology: ISCIT2001, pp.271-274, Chiang Mai,Thailand, Nov. 2001.
  • Wannarat Suntiamorntut, Panjapa Rungsinsup, "Design and verification 32-bit microprocessor ARM7.", 4th the SEA Regional Conference on Higher Engineering Education Network (RECHEEN 2000), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15-17 November 2000.
  • Venugopal J., Zahorian S. A. and Karnjanadecha M., “ Minimum Mean Square Error Spectral Peak Envelope Estimation for Automatic Vowel Classification,” Proc. ICSLP 2000, Beijing, China., October 2000.
  • Karnjanadecha, M., and Zahorian, S. A., “An Investigation of Variable Block Length Methods for Calculation of Spectral/Temporal Features for Automatic Speech Recognition,” Proc. ICSLP 2000, Beijing, China., October 2000.
  • Zahorian S. A., Patilkulkarni S., Karnjanadecha M. and Brewton C., “ Speech-to-Text Translation for Indexing and Searching of Audio/Visual Materials for a Digital Library,” SCI2000/ISAS2000, Orlando, Florida, 1999.
  • Wannarat Suntiamorntut, "Design and Verification ARM 7 for FPGA prototype.", 2000 Military and Aerospace Applications of Programmable Devices and Technologies Conference, September 26-28, 2000.
  • Wannarat Suntiamorntut , Chathcai Jantaraprim, Taweesak Reungpeerakul, " Back Annotation Technique for Testing ARM7.", VLSI Colloquium : Design & Implementation for Communication, RECCIT, KMITL, Thailand, September, 2000.
  • Wannarat, Weerapant, Arthit, Somsak, "Simulation-Based and Formal Verification in ARM 7 RISC Microprocessor.",1999 Collaborative Technologies Workshop,Oakland University,nov. 1999.
  • Karnjanadecha, M., and Zahorian, S. A., “Signal Modeling for Isolated Word Recognition,” Proc. ICASSP 99, vol. 1, pp. 293-296, Phoenix, AZ., March 1999.
  • Karnjanadecha, M., and Zahorian, S. A., “Robust Feature Extraction for Alphabet Recognition,” Proc. ICSLP 98, Sydney, Australia, vol. 2, pp. 337-340, 1998.

National Journal&Conference
  • Sasathorn, Korhathai, Porsip, Wannarat,"Design and verification R4000 MIP Processor.", Information and Computer Engineering Postgraduate Workshop 2002 (ICEP2002), January, Songkhla.
  • K. Tongtha, C. Vongchumyen, W. Suntiamorntut, F. Chevasuvit and S. Mitatha, "Verify Microprocessor with Abstract State Machine and Simulation.", EECON 24th, Bangkok, 2001.
  • W. Suntiamorntut, S. Mitatha, A. Tongtuk, "Generated Test Vectors to Simulate Microprocessor ARM7.", EECON 22nd, Bangkok, 1999.
  • W. Suntiamorntut, C. Vongchumyen, S. Mitatha, A. Tongtuk,"Verifition Microprocessor ARM7.", KMITL Journal, June, 1999.
  • W. Suntiamorntut, P. Rungsinsup, A. Unakul, "Design and Develop Microprocessor ARM7.", Anual NECTEC Conference, pp.100-107, 1999.
  • W. Suntiamorntut, C. Vongchumyen,A. Unakul, "Design Microprocessor ARM7.", EECON 21st, Bangkok, 1998.


Technicial Report