Computer System Design Laboratory
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Grant Project
Speech Recognition(Dr.Montri, Granted by NECTEC;2002)
AMBA Bus Design(Wannarat, Granted by Faculty of Engineering, PSU;2001)
Micromouse(Panyayot, Granted by Faculty of Engineering, PSU;2001)
Lecturer Research
High speed MCS-51 Microcontroller Design (Panyayot)
an investigation of variable block length methods for spectral/temporal feature extraction for continuous
speech recognition (Montri)
Design and Verification ARM7 microprocessor (Wannarat)
Asynchronous DMA Controller (Chatchai)
CSD Student's Projects
- Connected Thai Digits Recognition
- Speaker Verification
- Controlling MS Excel with Voice
- MIPs R4000
- DCT Cores
- Online Publish Research DB
- Flooding Warning System
- Linux Distribution for Computer Engineering Department
- A General Software Module for Simulating Microprocessor
- Linux Distribution for Network Administrator
- CoE Web Camera
- Data Encryption
- Smart Card Reader
- USB Controller
- ARM7TM(Thumb, Mutliply)
- AMBA bus
- L2-Cache
- Internet Chip
Facilities(IC Design)
- Xilinx Foundation2.1
- ChipScope ILA
- Chip Viewer
- Tanner
- Lab View
- Other simulation and synthesis tool
- CPLD board(XC9572), 3rd Year Lab.
- Spartan board, 3rd Year Lab.
- VirtexII board, Senoir project & research.
- CPLD, FPGA IC, (Virtex, Spartan, CPLD, CPLD cool)
- Altera board