Computer System Design Laboratory

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August, 15th 2002 : Paper Due, DesignCon 2003, Santa Clara, CA, USA(January, 27-30th 2003)

October, 1st 2002 : Paper Due, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and System(ISCAS), Bangkok, Thailand(May, 25-28th 2003)

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    Computer System Design Laboratory was established in 1999 with Linux and IC-design activities. In 2001, Speech recogination was run in our lab for the first time. Now we are running the modern hardware subjects in undergraduated/ postgraudated of computer engineering courses as you can see in teaching for more detail.
    Otherwise, the modern research projects have been created with more informations in project and paper directory.
CPLD robots
    With the new programmable logic devices, we can create the modern robot using without programming control. This new generation robot has been designed using HDL which receives the command from sensoring and then processing are taken in only FPGA chip. This leads to optimize the size robot and complexity of programming tasks and also increases the speed.
DCT IC Cores
    An arithmetic cores with special functions to support DCT function was designed by schematic on Xilinx Foundation2.1.
MIPs R4000 Cores
    Out lated microprocessor core, MIPs R4000, was designed using VHDL with register transfer level style. It can be run with the maximun speed at 0.5 GHz on gate-delay simulation.

(C)opright the CSDL, 2002 Comments to Webmaster
Last Updated : July 28th, 2002.